Thursday, November 20, 2008

cengko keno tag pulok doh ko mycitong

1. When was the first time you meet him/her?
mak ayah? dari masa 1st day. wife? dari tahun 1993.

2. What do you feel?
rindu, lama xbalik kg. sayang, kekal menebal.

3. What do you feel right now?
hepi. lapar pon ada, heheee...

4. If your enemy do anything that you hate, what will you do first?
aim betul2, pantang lepa kena ko...

5. Give 5 characters that you have :
satu - xberapa mesra kalo mula2 kenal org
dua - susah nak marah, cool je...
tiga - cepat kesiankan org
empat - ambil berat org lain (bukan jaga tepi kain worang!!!)
lima - senang give-up, tp lain masa cuba balik...

6. If he/her broke your heart, what's your action?
unsangkarable... bawa bincang apa yg jadi penyebab...

7. What character you like towards him/her?
caring n hepi go lucky... ada je lawak

8. Who is the name of no.1?
pader, Mustapha Chik... mader, Patimah Hamad... wife, Ku Pelida Tuan Nor

9. If your lover becomes your enemies, will you hate him/her?
xpon, merekalah segala2nya...

10. The most memorable thing he/her had done for you?
many unsangkarable gift...

11. The most thing that he/she have said to you?
"Hm, hmmm..." senyap & senyum malu2... yahuuu!!!

12. To the person that always supports you?
hope support me sokmo...

13. 5 people to tag:
K. Lijah
Pokcik Sani

(giliran korang pulak...)


Dreamssss..... said... first time saya tgk nama saya kena TAG...hahaha..awak la org pertama tag saya...mcm mana nak jwb ni? tgg tag tu appear kat blog kita ke atau copy dari sini...alamak...nampak sangat baru merangkak2 bina blog...huhu...

de 'kool said...

copy la... dah kena tag pon... pas tu jawab sdiri.. jgn suruh org lain jawab